Individual holistic psychotherapy is a therapeutic approach that takes into account the entire well-being of an individual – their physical, emotional, social, and spiritual aspects – in the process of addressing psychological concerns and promoting personal growth. Unlike traditional forms of therapy that might focus solely on mental health symptoms, individual holistic psychotherapy recognizes the interconnectedness of various life dimensions.

A confidential and personalized space for self-exploration, growth, and healing.

Our approach incorporates a variety of therapeutic techniques, mindfulness practices, and holistic interventions to create a comprehensive and personalized treatment plan. It aims to not only alleviate specific psychological symptoms but also enhance overall wellness and foster a sense of balance and harmony.

Whole person models of care used:

Our clinical team incorporates mindfulness techniques to promote self-awareness, reduce stress, and encourage present-moment awareness.

Mindfulness and Meditation:

We delve into emotional experiences, past traumas, and thought patterns to promote healing and growth.

Emotional Exploration: 

We address the importance of healthy relationships and social support networks in achieving holistic wellness.


We guide individuals in cultivating a deeper connection to their sense of purpose, meaning, and spirituality, fostering a holistic approach to personal growth and well-being.

Spiritual Exploration: 

We seamlessly integrate a range of complementary therapies such as art therapy, yoga, acupuncture, and more, enriching the therapeutic process and promoting comprehensive well-being.

Complementary Therapies: 

We adopt a personalized approach, customizing the therapy to align with each individual's distinct needs, preferences, and circumstances, ensuring a tailored and effective healing journey.

Personalized Approach:

As Seen In:

Our team utilizes individual holistic psychotherapy as an approach that takes into account the entirety of an individual's well-being – their physical, emotional, social, and spiritual aspects – in the process of addressing psychological concerns and fostering personal growth. Unlike traditional forms of therapy that might focus solely on mental health symptoms, our approach recognizes the interconnectedness of various dimensions of life.

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Experience a comprehensive approach to well-being

This approach embraces psychological, emotional, and spiritual dimensions, recognizing their vital roles in your healing journey. By integrating these elements, holistic psychotherapy supports holistic healing that leads to lasting change and  wholeness.

Integrated Healing: 

Going beyond surface symptoms, holistic psychotherapy delves deep into the underlying causes of your challenges. Together, we'll uncover patterns, past experiences, and belief systems that shape your current reality, fostering profound understanding and transformation.

Root Cause Exploration:

Holistic psychotherapy focuses on the interconnectedness of your mind and body, recognizing how thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations influence each other. By developing mindfulness and self-awareness, you'll gain insights into your overall well-being.

Mind-Body Awareness:

Holistic Mental Health

- Father of a school aged child

My son looks forward to seeing Shannon and our family has been able to spend time together without everything turning into a circus. 

- Individual Therapy Client

Shannon has such an easy way of relating. I tell her about something and she helps me put it into perspective and makes it feel manageable. I feel in control of my life.

- Individual therapy client

I appreciate the way Shannon both dumbs down what she is talking about so I understand it without talking down to me.

- Mother of a teen client

Shannon really gets my son. She has an easy going and fun-loving demeanor.


What They're Saying: