Couples therapy offers a supportive space for partners to enhance communication, navigate challenges, and strengthen their relationship bonds. With the guidance of a skilled therapist, couples can work together to foster understanding, intimacy, and long-lasting connection. Through open dialogue and tailored strategies, couples therapy empowers partners to co-create a resilient partnership while embracing personal growth.

Revitalize Your Relationship: Exploring the Benefits of Couples Therapy

Several models of care are commonly used in couples therapy to address various relationship dynamics and challenges.

Models used in couples therapy

This model focuses on identifying and reshaping emotional responses, helping couples understand their underlying needs and attachment patterns.

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT):

Built on extensive research, this approach emphasizes enhancing communication, managing conflicts, and fostering intimacy by strengthening friendship and connection.


Couples explore the stories they tell about their relationship, reframing negative narratives and building empowering, positive narratives.


Focused on behavior patterns, this model helps couples replace negative behaviors with positive ones and teaches effective communication skills.

Integrative Behavioral Couples Therapy (IBCT): Combining strategies from behavioral and insight-oriented therapies, IBCT helps couples manage conflicts while accepting their differences.

Systemic Therapy: Examining relationship dynamics within larger social systems, this approach aims to change relational patterns by addressing the systemic context.

Nonviolent Communication (NVC): Couples learn empathetic communication skills to express their needs, understand each other, and find mutually beneficial solutions.

Cognitive-Behavioral Couples Therapy: Focusing on thoughts and behaviors, this approach helps couples identify and change unhelpful thought patterns that contribute to relationship challenges.

These models provide therapists with frameworks to address specific issues and guide couples towards healthier, more fulfilling relationships.

Behavioral Couples Therapy:

Couples learn empathetic communication skills to express their needs, understand each other, and find mutually beneficial solutions.

Nonviolent Communication:

We adopt a personalized approach, customizing the therapy to align with each individual's distinct needs, preferences, and circumstances, ensuring a tailored and effective healing journey.

Integrative Behavioral Couples Therapy:


As Seen In:

Discover a brighter way to navigate conflicts as a couple through our transformative therapy. With our expert guidance, you'll master effective communication, gain insights into each other's viewpoints, and cultivate strategies that turn disagreements into catalysts for growth and intimacy. Uncover the power of conflict resolution in fostering a stronger, more harmonious relationship – all with the support of our dedicated team.

Unlocking Your Relationships Resilience

This approach embraces psychological, emotional, and spiritual dimensions, recognizing their vital roles in your healing journey. By integrating these elements, holistic psychotherapy supports holistic healing that leads to lasting change and  wholeness.

Integrated Healing: 

Going beyond surface symptoms, holistic psychotherapy delves deep into the underlying causes of your challenges. Together, we'll uncover patterns, past experiences, and belief systems that shape your current reality, fostering profound understanding and transformation.

Root Cause Exploration:

Holistic psychotherapy focuses on the interconnectedness of your mind and body, recognizing how thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations influence each other. By developing mindfulness and self-awareness, you'll gain insights into your overall well-being.

Mind-Body Awareness:

Holistic Mental Health

- Father of a school aged child

My son looks forward to seeing Shannon and our family has been able to spend time together without everything turning into a circus. 

- Individual Therapy Client

Shannon has such an easy way of relating. I tell her about something and she helps me put it into perspective and makes it feel manageable. I feel in control of my life.

- Individual therapy client

I appreciate the way Shannon both dumbs down what she is talking about so I understand it without talking down to me.

- Mother of a teen client

Shannon really gets my son. She has an easy going and fun-loving demeanor.


What They're Saying: